Mission, Vision, Values, and Purpose Make Impossible Decisions Possible – Delcie Bean

I used to think Mission Statements were just a nice idea. That was before I ever faced an existential crisis as a leader. In the moments when I had to lay off my friends, or got sued, or watched revenue fall off a cliff I had zero good options, no idea what was going to …more

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HCI Webinar: Creating a Culture of Love in the Workplace, with Michael McFall

In this HCI Webinar, Dr. Westover talks with Michael McFall about his business philosophy and creating a “culture of love in the workplace.” Check out the podcast here: https://anchor.fm/hcipodcast. Michael McFall (https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-biggby/) graduated from Kalamazoo College in 1993 where he earned four varsity letters as a member of the golf team and a Bachelor’s degree …more

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Invest in Your Teammates – Dawn Leaks

Being a leader means unlocking the potential of the people you work with. Some people are naturals at this, but the rest of us need to be intentional about it and work hard at it. And most of the time we don’t do it because it feels like a waste of time. That’s what this …more

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Find Great Partners (in Startups and in Life) – Chris Nolte

In this episode we explore the intersection of your personal and professional lives. As much as we all try to keep these things separate – it’s impossible. As the whole world starts working from home this fact has been on display in Zoom calls around the world. But it’s always been true. The people we …more

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